June 26, 2011


Salam, World!!
It's 4.16PM here..I'm up ONLY for the rain!

Yep, I took a day off today. Not because i don't like the work. But, something something..

By something something means I didn't sleep last night and for some reasons I couldn't force my body to move any where this morning. Some people called it sleeping mode.

The only reason I opened up my eyes and standing by the window is the sound of neighbor banging my door this rain outside.
God knows how I love rains! Any..Rain(s)!!

I can write you a boring long pages stories of reasons why, but second thought..I better keep it for my self:)

There, my half an hour rain put my consciousness some where else. Only God knows where with only God knows who (eh..).

And most of the times, this kind of moment that somehow pull my self together (again), from pieces.
Thank you Allah, for sending me this beautiful rain today. I owe You (much).

Anyways, I'm so thrilled to write about what had happened last night. Well, it's not another romance extraordinary story or whatsoever. But, putting the puzzles together, maybe it is a (life) drama.

Alright, I should get going and meet my shower. Catch you up later, World!!