December 30, 2012

Malam ini, aku menangis lagi..
Bukan untuk sebuah kesedihan, tapi mungkin kesyukuran

Tuhan tahu, tapi Ia menunggu
Itu yang selalu kuucapkan
Dan selalu kuyakini

Tuhan membawaku melalui jalan sulit
Penuh luka sepanjang hidupku

Tapi Ia juga menjagaku, agar aku tak pernah patah
dan selalu memeluk hidup dan takdirku dengan erat

Hingga detik ini...

Dia mengirimku seorang malaikat untuk mewakilinya

Tapi, mungkin Dia tak pernah rela jika aku meninggalkanNya
dalam meminta, menyerahkan hidupku pada selainNya.

Malam ini, aku menangis..
menyerahkan kembali pinta dan rinduku padaNya

Tuhan tahu, tapi Ia menunggu.

on heavy rain, menunggu delay Jogja-Jakarta.

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December 24, 2012

Let the story begins

Untukmu, Istri Suamiku Tercinta...

There are more than love in a heartbeat.

Bahwa banyak hal selain cinta dalam setiap denyut nadi kita
tetapi terkadang semuanya kita sederhanakan menjadi cinta

Aku. Kamu. Kita.
Bukan lagi bayang-bayang.

Tetapi seperti Ghibran katakan,
Deretan pohon akan tumbuh sempurna karena jarak antara mereka
Bahwa ruang di antara kita, itu yang senantiasa membuat kita bahagia dalam dewasa

Terima kasih, padamu.
Karena memilihku
Rasanya kata cinta tak cukup untuk membalut kesyukuranku.

Waktu akan menjadi saksi kita,
bahwa keabadian itu ada
bahwa bahagia itu dekat
bahwa luka itu indah
bahwa kebersamaan itu milik kita selamanya
kematian takkan sanggup menjadi pemusnah cita-cita

Untukmu, istri dari suamiku tercinta
Terima kasih karena telah, akan, dan selalu menjaganya.

My love, I just wanto say...
Banyak hal selain cinta dalam setiap denyut kehidupan kita.

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November 11, 2012

Why did I post it here instead of my tumblr?
I don't know, still under anaesthetic influence... maybe (and I'm so gonna use the excuse for a period of time, bear with me).

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November 07, 2012

Kamu sakit yah?

"Kamu sakit yah?"
"Nggak, siapa bilang. I'm fine.. Masa sakit masih bisa drive!'

" Aku tau kamu lagi sakit..pake banget"
"Err.. Kamu dukun?"

"Nope, cuma aku tau aja kamu lagi sakit banget kalo nonstop lebih dari 30mins kamu nyetir straight dengan dua tangan di steering wheel."

"-.. - "

*freely translated for the sake of.. I don't know! *

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August 04, 2012

Ramadhan 1433H

Setiap Ramadhan,  topik yang dibahas selalu makanan...tempat makan...tempat buka bersama... pasar malam...
Duh,  ini bulannya shaum apa bulan festival makanan sihhh!

Ini contoh percakapan nggak penting antara diriku dan cahaya chaniago...

"Ta,  loe makan di mana selama puasa ini? "
...... (nggak nanya ngajinya udah berapa juz)

" Tergantung dul,  kalo yang ngundang tajir and baik hati...ifthar di hotel ato buffet.  Kalo yang ngundang rada ketat budgetnya,  Nandos ato Soul Garden.  Kalo gada yang ngundang,  beli bukaan di kantin mahallah ato bazaar 6ringgit-an. Kalo lagi gada fulus,  kembali ke kurma and indomie aja lagi. "

Moral of the story.... Ini puasa nggak puasa orang2 urusannya perut melulu... Haduuuuh!
Dan saya juga termasuk kali ya... :)

Ramadhan karim,  people!
May your Ramadhan be blessed this year.

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July 31, 2012


It's funny sometimes...when you realize simple things that lead you to a deep thought.
You deserve to be happy. Really?
Thought 1.
When people or someone comes to you and say they wanna make you happy..without even bother asking what is it that makes you happy.
Meaning, they will make you happy based on their own thought of what makes you happy.
So, mostly they will do things that they "assume" will make you happy.
At the end, maybe you go with their flow..and you voluntarily feel happy.

Thought 2.
How many times in life you sit back and ask yourself..what is it that makes you happy.
And do you want others to make those happiness happen for you?
Or maybe you actually can make it happen by yourself?

The Eudaimonia!
 Tought 3.
Should you compromised with others to make your happiness come true?
Or you feel you strong and powerful enough to make it real.

Never ending conversation. 
But sometimes you need to convince yourself,  just to make sure your insanity.

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April 10, 2012

Sometimes late at night

Text from a friend (received 2.55AM): "You wanna know what's funny? I am a happy married person, but why am I always feel lonely every time I close my eyes at night?"

Me (an hour later): "And why are you texted me this, and did you notice what time is it now?"

Friend (4.05): "I knew you feel the same way"

Me (4.07): "@#$& you!!!"

*Absurd conversation two days ago*
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February 19, 2012

Berbahagialah wahai para pemuda yang selalu memiliki semangat perubahan.
Materi tak bisa membeli semangat atau persaudaraan.
Gonna miss you all, ISSI!!!
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February 11, 2012

D & W !

( ) I'll not write anything.. It's white space .. Just like the colour of your heart!
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February 04, 2012

I'm telling you what happens when you start to feel better about your life. You build your comfort zone and let your guard down. And before you know it, all the things that you trust all along...destroy you into pieces.

Here we are...back to square one.

And I just hate square one!
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January 23, 2012


You know that sometimes, no matter how hard you make your day to be perfect...there's something/one that ruined it upside down.

But hey, can't complain...I tried, no regrets:)

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January 22, 2012

Flirty friend

There's a thin line between being flirty and friendly. And please... I don't need you to do those silly efforts.

Just be...normal!

Mobile Blogging from here.

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January 20, 2012

Today, had a great brunch with the's kinda cool how they tried to cheer me up without even asking what's going on in my head. Apparently a sad flash in my eyes is enough for them to offer a rebound moment.

So, we went to a place somewhere in Bukit Bintang called ****** (wait 'til they pay me) and they served good garlic bread (my fav) and nice sausages. The cappucino were okay..but I don't know why they don't serve fresh juice. It's brunch for god sake!

But hey, I love the fresh flowers (ehem, it's yellow) and the cozy corner. 
Maybe I'll visit this place again, or maybe not if we have better options.

Anyways, had fun!!
Thanks gals...I don't do commitment or friendship whatsoever (and you know that d**m well), but how we treated each others in a non-exclusive way...really amaze me!!

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Little Me

You know that feeling, when your life flashing before your eyes like a movie.

Today, I saw a little girl. Sat next to me.
Not just a little girl, because by the time I saw sparkling curiosity in her eyes..I know that I am looking at the same girl 25 years ago. It's little ME.

No, I am not gonna tell you story Bruce Willis did in his Rusty movie. But, maybe similar at some points.

Is it just me or you had this kind of experienced sometimes, strangers with little piece of you?
Nah, just me:)
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January 19, 2012

Why blogpress made my mobile entry looks like s**t?
 Am I suppose to upload my entry on the go then edit it later on the web?
What am I, a lifeless blogger? #so done with blogpress!

- Posted using BlogPress from DewDevice
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C'est La Vie

"Some people are just too different or too similar that things just don't work out"

 I quoted the lines from you...yes, you!

 No matter how hard it is for me, I learnt that somehow we are just so much..alike..(or too different?).
And maybe this goodbye is for the best.
 But, I told you many times...if we never try we never know. And I put away all my cowardness and tried. No regrets!

 So, this is it. Hope you find what you were looking for. And I'm pretty sure you will. You and your pesimistic yet realistic way of life!

Bye M, I've learned a lot. And with God's amazing power called TIME..It will be just (another) memory. I'm not good with, you take care out there.

Sincerely, (silly) Me

- Posted using BlogPress from my DewDevice
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The Prologue

When your days remembered and your life is written. 

I had finished my latest book, SJ Watson (Before I Sleep). Kinda creepy how we should concern about what might happen to our memories. And I just realized how important journals are. Seriously, when you think of that possibilities (that you might lose your memories), people around you maybe a great help...but a journal can also save your life.

I don't think so.Try to talk to people who had terrible conditions of amnesia. Yeah, literally, a journal might help you go through your life ahead. 

Ok, enough with the intro. So, basically this 2012 goals will start with a journal of my own. I don't wanna call it a diary coz it sounds too teenager-though- I don't mind consider as one- but journal seems an appropriate name for now. 
Alrite, for some reasons, I'm not gonna put all the entries to my blog. But who knows, maybe I'm crazy enough to throw my daily silliness out there. 

Keep writing, keep reading. 

PS: I think I'll keep most of the entries in English. It's better to be stand corrected for my horror English than got slaughtered for my awful Bahasa:)
See you soon, world!
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Morning, WORLD!
How's your life, been good?

So, where was I? Oh...!
Alrite, it's been more than a year since my last note. And for same old excuses you keep reading. My bad.

I've been wanting to write again last month, actually. But the wireless connection was so bad that I almost moved out to an Island called ItsoremoteIcangrowbeardandmustache and marry their telco manager there.

But hey, when life gives you melon, I mean, lemon..all you have to do is squeeze them and make lemonade, rite? I love lemonade, especially when it's free.

I digress. I know.

Where was I? Oh, writing..and!

Okay, here is the good news..I wrote all those drafts offline and (of course) keep it safe and sound.
Yep, technology made our lives easier and lazier:)

Just in case you find it odd when I update my blog with hundreds couple of stories at once.
It's old stories...but I promise you it will be as fresh as morning dew (its existence still a mystery for me).
Most of them will be random too coz I saved it here and there (and some of these devices don't have calendar, literally).

Well, keep reading:)

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