November 24, 2011

Love Letter Part 1

Teruntuk Fadhil, Icha, Ichan dan Usamah (no offense, alphabetical order). 

Glad you still remember me and sent me your awesome reunion pictures.
Well, I won't call any of our gathering as reunion anyway...coz I know no matter how far we are being apart, always close to the heart (I know, sounds lame and disgustingly romantic).

But's true.
Kita selalu dekat...terasa dekat.
(Please say yes juga ya-fake it- it's ok).
Masing-masing memang telah "jauh" meniti takdir perjalanan tapi ada bahagia setiap kita bisa bertemu...ada rindu ketika mengingat kenangan masa lalu (terutama foto-foto yang sangat unyu dan lugu).

Kita, Us (ehm, not Oesamah), Kami, whatever they or us named our togetherness...apparently has become an invisible "bond" that will tie us forever (lebay, yeah..but I mean it).
No matter where we will be in the future, nggak peduli jadi apa kita nanti, atau siapa pasangan kita kelak (lho)...kita tetap merasa "kita", beserta semua paket perasaan yang kita "pernah" punya dan selalu punya.

Most of the time (terutama setelah kalian baligh dan tumbuh jakun, kumis, dan suara bapak2)...pertemuan2 kita mungkin akan terasa "awkward" (say it with funny tone-go ahead)...tapi, itu tak merubah rasa dibaliknya.

Yah, bagaimanapun rupa masing-masing kita saat ini atau nanti...kita akan tetap merasakan perasaan yang sama. Jadi pendiam atau makin bawel kah ketika kita doesn't matter.
Kita saling tahu siapa kita deep down well that we can't even hide a grin or a slight silly thought. 
Dan deep inside, kita tahu bahwa kita akan selalu menerima Fadhil, Icha, Ichan, dan Usamah apa adanya...seperti dulu, sekarang...bahkan masa datang.
Kita saling mencintai, I know that for sure!

Guys, andai setiap partikel-partikel mimpi kasat mata...kita akan lihat betapa mimpi-mimpi kita masa lalu dan saat ini, tetap berporos pada kebersamaan kita.

Tonite, no matter how hard life can be...
No matter how unfair the world seems to be...
No matter uncertain the future will be...
We will always have something to hold on to, at least to hang in there for one more day...
And I know, I'll always have you guys to light up my spirit and keep remind me...of our big dream.
That we will conquer the world together:)
That DREAM, will comes true...soon enough!

Ok, before I turn my self into another sad old gloomy single lady, I think I'll stop writing and start crying..I mean, working:)

Always love you guys,
(And it's so awesome that you had the gathering without me*withloudtones*)
Love letter ini bahkan tidak melalui editor..go figure those grammatical errors!!!


Anonymous said...

i'll send you a pack of cha-cha from here bude. nothing to lose anyway :)


Ichan said...

budeyh! just dropping by to say i miss you and happy new year! :D i hope to see you more in 2014 <3

lots of love,