January 19, 2012

Morning, WORLD!
How's your life, been good?

So, where was I? Oh...!
Alrite, it's been more than a year since my last note. And for same old excuses you keep reading. My bad.

I've been wanting to write again last month, actually. But the wireless connection was so bad that I almost moved out to an Island called ItsoremoteIcangrowbeardandmustache and marry their telco manager there.

But hey, when life gives you melon, I mean, lemon..all you have to do is squeeze them and make lemonade, rite? I love lemonade, especially when it's free.

I digress. I know.

Where was I? Oh, writing..and!

Okay, here is the good news..I wrote all those drafts offline and (of course) keep it safe and sound.
Yep, technology made our lives easier and lazier:)

Just in case you find it odd when I update my blog with hundreds couple of stories at once.
It's old stories...but I promise you it will be as fresh as morning dew (its existence still a mystery for me).
Most of them will be random too coz I saved it here and there (and some of these devices don't have calendar, literally).

Well, keep reading:)