November 18, 2011


If you ask me what is it about rains that I love....Well, don't have certain answer for that.
Maybe the smell of the fresh soil after the first rain?
Those dark deep clouds?
The beauty of lightning and thunder?
A barefooted walk in the rain?
The feeling when you drenched yourself under the pouring rain?
Or just watch the rain drops knocking against your window?
Paper boats...float them away....

If you ask me what is it about rains that I love...
I don't know, I just...DO!

Remember those moments...when rains gave you awesome sentimental feelings?
Yeah, when you walk alone in the rain, and no-one knows that you are crying?*
And at the same time it wash away all your hurtful pain?*
**Ignore those last two-not-meant-to-be-there-sentences*


love4love said...

rain is rahmah. with every drops, there is a good wisdom behind that we may not know but only Him..alhamdulillah